

We assist municipalities to develop sound infrastructure plans across all priority sectors that identify sustainable projects for funding from government grants and private sector financing.

Inadequate infrastructure planning and poor project execution are the main challenges that hinder infrastructure and economic development in emerging economies. In South Africa, these challenges have been particularly evidenced in under-resourced municipalities, serving rural communities by the lack of basic service delivery such as access to clean water, sanitation, roads and electricity. Without proper infrastructure planning and management, any type of infrastructure will fail to meet its purpose, and it will continue to affect and disrupt people’s daily lives.

The DBSA’s Planning solution aims to provide infrastructure planning support to under-resourced municipalities as well as other qualifying DBSA clients. Our aim at the DBSA is to assist municipalities to adopt sound infrastructure plans across all priority sectors that identify sustainable projects for funding from government grants and private sector financing. These infrastructure sectors and master plans in the water and sanitation, energy, roads and stormwater, education, health, and integrated waste management sectors.

DBSA’s infrastructure planning support is prioritised for municipalities with good governance and sound financial management and particularly those that are heavily dependent on government grants. Our planning support ensures that government funding is channelled to appropriate projects and that infrastructure funds work towards creating a lasting impact for municipalities and their communities.


Our objectives

Our main objective is to encourage investments for infrastructure development in key socio-economic areas.  This starts with regional communities. To achieve these objectives, we provide technical support during infrastructure planning and project funding through the provision of development subsidies. We’re putting forth our best efforts to ensure an increase in positive development impact to provide prosperity for South Africa and the continent at large. To achieve this, we’ve built an objective framework that we follow for the development of infrastructure plans. With this, we are able to;

public and private sector funding

Unlock public and private sector funding to direct towards municipal infrastructure projects. 


Develop a comprehensive plan that focuses on the project pipeline at the municipal level to address the service delivery needed within under-resourced communities.


Conduct due diligence and appraisal of projects.


Focus on infrastructure and needs assessment.


Assist with project execution, management, monitoring and reporting.


Procure required technical implementation resources to develop infrastructure plans.


Develop sustainable service delivery plans.


Adopt an infrastructure master plan by the municipal council.


Migrate priority projects from the infrastructure master plan to IDP and allocation of budgets.

Contact DBSA

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Contact Details

Physical Address

Development Bank of Southern Africa
1258 Lever Road
Headway Hill
South Africa

Post Address

P O Box 1234
Halfway House
South Africa

Contact Details

Switch Board: +27 11 313 3911
Reception: +27 11 313 3500 or +27 11 313 3297