How To Positively Contribute To Climate Change

Climate change continues to threaten the environment and everything we hold dear. For years now, we have known the effects of our actions on the environment but have turned a blind eye. But no more. With the unequivocal evidence of climate change and the part we as a species have played in it, it is time for us to take responsibility and do our part to slow down the process of climate change. Not just for us but for our future generations and, most importantly, for our planet. Read on to discover how your organisation can positively contribute to climate change.

Measure And Analyse Greenhouse Gas Emissions 

The first step for any organisation that wants to positively contribute to climate change is to measure its greenhouse gas emissions (GHG). When it comes to defining a company’s response to climate change, it is important to be clear on what needs to be achieved. Once the GHG emissions are known, they need to be analysed in order to find out which part of the organisation’s activities are the highest pollutants. Once this analysis is done, the organisation can start to consider the appropriate solutions to reduce its emissions. 


The next step to positively contribute to climate change is to set emission reduction targets. Once you have the necessary data, it’s important to set a goal to work towards in order to achieve the lowest and most sustainable carbon emission footprint for your organisation. How to slow down the process of climate change starts with knowing how big a part you are playing in it. 

Reduce Energy Consumption 

Turning off lights in the office in the evening, slightly lowering the air conditioning, and taking devices off plugs when not in use are great examples of how to reduce energy consumption without compromising on the day to day running of an organisation. By paying attention to other daily actions, organisations can slightly reduce their energy consumption and thus the impact on the environment. Little by little, every action adds up to help slow down the process of climate change.

Reduce Company Waste 

Another way to positively contribute to climate change is to reduce the amount of waste generated by the organisation. Whether it is the industrial waste of a large corporation or the paper waste of an SME, all companies produce waste and can contribute by reducing the amount generated. Avoiding disposable cups and cutlery, non-recyclable capsules for coffee machines, going paperless by using a cloud-based system, repairing gadgets instead of replacing them, and implementing a recycling culture in your organisation are all effective ways to reduce company waste. 

Optimise Employees’ Transportation 

Transportation is one of the largest sectors of greenhouse gas emissions. By reducing the number of vehicles driving to your organisation every day, you will greatly reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused by your organisation. Encourage employees to work from home, where possible, take public transport, carpool with colleagues living in the same vicinity, or walk or take their bicycle to work to significantly reduce your organisation’s indirect CO2 emissions and make a positive contribution to climate change. 

Use Green Energy Sources 

Organisations can dramatically reduce their carbon footprint by utilising green energy sources. Today, more and more organisations, as well as individuals, are choosing to use renewable energy sources both at home and at their organisations and businesses in order to save on budget as well as make a positive contribution to climate change. 

This is because of the benefits that come along with using green energy, such as:

  • being able to generate energy that produces no greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels
  • reducing air pollution
  • diversifying energy supply, thus reducing dependency on imported fuels
  • creating economic development and job opportunities within your community. 


When you weigh the benefits of using green energy sources over fossil fuels, it’s no wonder that more and more organisations are going green. 

Choose Sustainable Suppliers 

Choosing a supplier is an environmentally-friendly choice, or not, depending on the supplier. Each company has a responsibility when it comes to the partners and suppliers it chooses to use and do business with. Therefore, companies should make the effort to choose suppliers and partners who demonstrate sustainable environmental and business practices to ensure that both they and all the partners and suppliers involved are making a positive contribution to the environment.

Invest In The Future 

We all know that it can be expensive going green, but with the help of a climate finance facility that offers climate financing and the benefits that come along with it, it is worth the investment. By investing in greener solutions today, you not only help mitigate the risks that come with climate change but also secure a future independent of imported fuels and fossil fuels. 


When it comes to climate finance facilities offering climate financing in Southern Africa, DBSA is at the forefront of providing sustainable solutions to governments and organisations alike. The objective of the DBSA is to mobilise funding which will be used for the purpose of developing sustainable and environmentally-friendly infrastructure solutions. By providing dedicated advisory, investment and implementation support to access funds from climate funding mechanisms, DBSA has been investing in the future and positively contributing to climate change and helping governments and organisations to do the same. 

Final Words 

From the simplest of actions, such as turning off a light or appliance when not in use, to completely changing your company’s infrastructure to one that is environmentally friendly, we can all make a positive difference when it comes to climate change. No matter how small an impact by doing our part, we can all invest in a future we can be proud of.